Professor Mark Llewellyn, Director of WIHSC at the University of South Wales, will lead the team alongside Professor Fiona Verity, Director of the Wales School for Social Care Research.
Colleagues from Swansea University, Bangor University and Cardiff University will also work as partners in the study, which is being supported by PRIME Centre Wales.
The project will deliver an independent and objective assessment of the implementation of the Act and the way in which it has impacted on the well-being of people who need care and support, and their carers.
The approach of the team will be to examine the implementation and impact of the Act through its five principles – voice and control, well-being, co-production, multi-agency working, and prevention and early intervention – and the financial implications of each.
Each of these principles will be evaluated by an academic ‘theme lead’ supported by an expert adviser. This combination is crucial to ensuring that skills and knowledge of the academics is complemented by the practical expertise and experience of making and implementing policy, delivering and managing social care, working with citizens across organisational boundaries, and putting people at the centre of ‘what matters’ to them.
The research team will also be supported and challenged by the Study Expert Reference Group who will co-produce the study.
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